Dan Burcaw

Dan Burcaw is Co-Founder & CEO of Nami ML. He built a top mobile app development agency responsible for some of the most elite apps on the App Store and then found himself inside the mobile marketing industry after selling his last company to Oracle.

Latest articles by
Dan Burcaw
Written by
Dan Burcaw
3 Mar

Mobile Growth: Why and How to Develop Subscription-Based App

Nami CEO Dan Burcaw joined the Mobile Growth & Pancakes podcast to talk subscriptions.

Nami CEO Dan Burcaw joined the Mobile Growth & Pancakes podcast to discuss subscription apps.

Getting your users to subscribe is so often the holy grail of many marketing departments, doing it right can be the differentiator in your way to success. In this episode of Mobile Growth & Pancakes, Esther Shatz is joined by Dan Burcaw, Co-Founder and CEO of Nami ML, to discuss strategies and tactics related to subscription-based apps.

Check out the full episode here.

Written by
Dan Burcaw
14 Feb

SKError Code Unknown & Other StoreKit SKError Cases

Understanding how to resolve StoreKit's SKError Code unknown error case plus a quick overview of all SKError.Code enumeration cases.


Nothing is more frustrating than an error code that isn’t helpful. Such is the case with Apple StoreKit’s SKError.Code enumeration’s unknown case. This is a catch-all error code if one of the long list of error codes doesn’t match.

Apple suggests two things if this error is encountered:

  • Development: Create a use a new App Store Connect test user
  • Production: Sign-out then back in to App Store

There are likely other undocumented reasons why this error might get thrown. If neither of the potential resolutions above do not fix the issue, please reach out and we’ll try to help.

All SKError.Code cases

In addition to SKError Code Unknown, here is the complete SKError.Code enumeration list:

  • clientInvalid: client not allowed to perform the attempted action
  • paymentCancelled: User canceled a payment request
  • paymentInvalid: one of the payment parameters not recognized by the App Store
  • paymentNotAllowed: user not allowed to authorize payments
  • storeProductNotAvailable: requested product is not available on the store
  • cloudServicePermissionDenied: user not allowed to access Cloud service
  • cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed: device could not connect to network
  • privacyAcknowledgementRequired: user has not acknowledged Apple’s privacy policy for Apple Music
  • unauthorizedRequestData: app attempting to use properly without required entitlement
  • invalidOfferIdentifer: offer identifier is invalid
  • invalidOfferPrice: price specified in App Store Connect is no longer valid
  • invalidSignature: signature in a payment discount isn’t valid
  • missingOfferParams: parameters are missing in a payment discount
  • ineligibleForOffer: user is ineligible for subscription offer
  • overlayCancelled: indicates cancellation of an overlay
  • overlayInvalidConfiguration: the overlay’s configuration is invalid
  • overlayPresentedInBackgroundScene: overlay displayed in background scene
  • overlayTimeout: overlay timed out
  • unsupportedPlatform: current platform doesn’t support overlays
  • unknown: unknown or unexpected error occurred

A Final Word About StoreKit

If you are a Nami customer, you generally don’t need to worry about StoreKit implementation details since we take care of it for you. However, the Nami SDK does surface certain StoreKit messages for debugging purposes depending on the log level.

Written by
Dan Burcaw
10 Feb

[FIX] We’ve detected this app uses an unsupported version of play billing

If you've received this Play Console message: "We've detected this app uses an unsupported version of play billing". Here's the fix.

If you received the following message from the Google Play Console, you are not alone:

We’ve detected this app uses an unsupported version of play billing

Chances are your app is on an unsupported version of Play Billing. Google announced that by November 1, 2021 all new apps and updates to existing apps must use Billing Library version 3 or newer.

Check import dependencies for Play Billing Library version 3 or newer

Check your project’s build.gradle file. Apps must import Play Billing Library version 3.0.0 or higher. Please note, these dependencies would only show up for APKs that require the permission com.android.vending.BILLING.

Make sure AndroidManifest.xml contains the Play Billing version entry

If you are on the latest Play Billing Library but still see the message, you will need to check your AndroidManifest.xml. Ensure it contains an entry for com.google.android.play.billingclient.version

According to Google, the entry might not be present if the manifest attribute is being dropped during manifest merging. You can check your manifest merge settings.

Upgrading from Play Billing Library V1/AIDL

If you are on Play Billing Library V1 / AIDL, Google has a migration guide for upgrading to Play Billing Library version 3. In short, there are major code changes you will need to make to your project.

Not your last “unsupported version of play billing” message

Google regularly introduces new functionality and APIs as part of the Play Billing Library. In fact, upgrading to version 3 won’t mean you’ll never again see the message about an unsupported version of play billing.

You can future proof your Play Billing implementation. With Nami, we manage the Play Billing implementation and you get to focus on your app. No server-side code is required and the client SDK is extremely easy to adopt. Our generous free tier provides reasonable limits and lots of features not found in homegrown implementations.

Written by
Dan Burcaw
9 Feb

Sell App & Other Ways to Make Money Online in 2022

It's never been easier to create and sell a mobile app. Plus, some other ways people are making things and generating revenue in 2022.

The Great Resignation has seen 33 million Americans leave their jobs since the Spring of 2021. While the global pandemic was a catalyst, it’s not what gave so many people the confidence to make the leap. Do you have an idea to sell an app?

It’s never been a better time to be a solopreneur. All you have to do is explore communities such as #buildinpublic on Twitter to see the diversity of products people are building.

There are plenty of great opportunities to make money online in 2022. Here’s just three:

1. Make and Sell an App

It’s never been easier to learn how to make an app. People from all walks of life are learning how to get started with programming using Swift Playgrounds from Apple.

Want to learn how to design and code your first mobile app? Check out the more than 240 tutorials from Design+Code.

Once you make an app, it’s time to make money. In fact, it’s never been easier to make money by collecting in-app payments through the Apple Store or Google Play. Nami provides a simple toolkit to sell your app like additional features, content, or even tips. Payments can be through one-time purchases or recurring subscriptions.

You can sell your app another way, too! Services like Flippa provide a market place for buying and selling apps. The more app revenue, the higher the price.

2. Build a SaaS app with No Code

In addition to a mobile app, you can build a SaaS (software as a service) application. So-called micro-SaaS apps are easier than ever to build no code tools like Bubble. Once built, it’s easier than ever to get feedback and find your first customers.

Communities like Indie Hackers and Product Hunt provide a great jumping off point. Get the word out by sharing what you are doing and asking for feedback.

Once you’ve generated some revenue, sell the app on Flippa or for a nice premium on MicroAcquire if your monthly recurring revenue (MRR) supports it.

3. Create and Publish an Information Product

Another way to make money online is to share your knowledge with others. Paid info products have become incredibly popular. From ebooks to video courses, these come in many formats.

There are so many of these types of products. Some offered for a one time fee. Others through a membership.

Just a few examples:

Anyone Can Sell an App & Make Money Online

We covered only three of the ways people are making money online. There are so many more. All you need to do is figure out what your niche is and have the courage to get started. Happy selling!

Written by
Dan Burcaw
19 Jan

The App Growth Show, Episode 9

Nami co-founder & CEO joined The App Growth Show to discuss turbocharging app subscription revenue.

Nami co-founder & CEO joined Jennifer Sansone, host of the The App Growth Show to talk about turbocharging in-app subscription revenue.

Here is the episode synopsis:

Hey, App Growth Community! Welcome back to the App Growth Show, where we host mobile experts to provide valuable and actionable insights on how you can grow your app. No matter where you are in your app growth journey, we are able to help you achieve your mobile growth goals. Today, we are so excited to be joined by Dan Burcaw, CEO of Nami. Nami is a unique product that lets app marketers like you to design and implement the perfect subscription model for your app and create happy subscribers. They are the easiest way to implement one solution and sell subscriptions everywhere you need to. Whether a mobile app, on your website, or even from a connected device, Nami has you covered with one unified view of your subscribers regardless of where the billing takes place.

Listen on Apple Podcasts or visit the episode page.

Written by
Dan Burcaw
1 Jan

Play Store Developer Payout Schedule 2022

When does Google Play payout to developers? Here's all the details on what to expect from the Play Store developer payout schedule.

When does Google Play payout to developers? Play Store developer payout occurs approximately the same time each month. Generally, it happens around the 15th of each month for the previous month’s sales.

Here’s what to expect for Google merchant payments (which include Google Play developers):

  • Payouts occur on the 15th of each month
  • If the 15th falls on a weekend, payouts start on the following Monday
  • If the 15th falls on a holiday, payouts start on the following business day

Payouts are for net proceeds less Google’s Play Store commission.

Most payouts are conducted via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Funds can take 2-3 business days to arrive in your account.

In some regions, payouts are via wire transfer. Funds takes take 5-7 business days to arrive in this situation.

Google Play Developer Payout Calendar Resource

Here is an online Google Play store developer payout calendar resource you can bookmark that is updated for the current fiscal year. It’s also available in an downloadable PDF format.