How to Design a Paywall for Mobile Apps: A Pro Guide

How to Design a Paywall for Mobile Apps: A Pro Guide

Portrait photo of blog author
Amanda Maricle
Product Owner

Designing a paywall for a mobile app requires a strategic balance between usability, psychology, and business goals. A well-designed paywall is essential for converting free users into paying customers while ensuring that the experience feels seamless and non-intrusive. By prioritizing both user experience and monetization, app developers can create a paywall that maximizes revenue without alienating users.

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In this article, we will explore the key principles for designing an effective paywall, including the importance of timing, UI/UX best practices, pricing models, and user psychology. We will also cover how to implement data-driven strategies for optimizing conversions and minimizing friction.

Key Elements of a Perfect Paywall Design

The design of your paywall plays a crucial role in converting users into paying customers. To achieve the best results, your paywall should focus on clarity, simplicity, and a user-centered approach. Below are the essential elements that contribute to a well-designed paywall.

  • Value Proposition: Clearly communicate the benefits of upgrading, such as exclusive content or advanced features. Use bullet points or icons for easy scanning, and keep the messaging simple and user-focused.
  • CTAs: Use action-driven phrases like "Unlock Premium" or "Start Free Trial." The CTA button should stand out with a high-contrast color and focus on one primary action to avoid distractions.
  • Trust Signals: Include secure payment icons (e.g., SSL, Apple Pay), user reviews, or a money-back guarantee to build trust and reassure users about their purchase.
  • Minimal Disruption: Ensure the paywall feels like a natural part of the app, appearing at appropriate times. Avoid intrusive pop-ups and aim for smooth transitions that don’t interrupt the user experience.
  • Design Consistency: Keep the paywall’s design consistent with the rest of the app by using the same fonts, colors, and branding elements. A clean, minimalist design focused on the value and CTA helps drive conversions.
  • Urgency Elements: Add urgency with phrases like "Limited-time offer" or "Upgrade now to get 50% off." Scarcity cues can push users to take immediate action.
  • How to Design a High-Converting Mobile App Paywall: Step-By-Step

    1. Simplicity in Layout

    A clean and simple layout is the foundation of an effective paywall design. Overly complex or cluttered paywalls can overwhelm users, leading to confusion or abandonment. A minimalistic design with a clear focus on the value proposition and the call-to-action (CTA) button keeps users focused on the primary goal: conversion.

    • Use a single column layout: This reduces cognitive load and guides users toward the action you want them to take.
    • White space: Employ ample white space to separate different sections and make the design feel uncluttered and professional.
    • Responsive design: Ensure that your paywall scales effectively across different devices and screen sizes, especially since mobile apps are used on various types of smartphones and tablets.

    2. Visual Hierarchy: Lead with Benefits

    Effective paywall design uses visual hierarchy to guide the user’s eye toward the most important information. The key elements—value proposition, pricing, and CTA—should be prominently displayed in order of importance.

    • Bold headlines: Use bold, large fonts for the paywall title that instantly communicates the value, such as “Unlock Exclusive Features” or “Go Ad-Free.”
    • Feature highlights: Present the benefits of upgrading in an easy-to-scan format, like icons or short bullet points. This section should quickly answer the user’s question, “What do I get if I pay?”
    • Contrast in CTA button: The call-to-action button (e.g., “Subscribe Now” or “Start Free Trial”) should be the most prominent element on the screen, with a high-contrast color that stands out from the background and other elements.

    3. Typography: Clarity and Readability

    Typography plays a vital role in how information is absorbed by users. Your paywall should use legible fonts that are consistent with your app’s overall branding.

    • Font hierarchy: Use a distinct font size for headings, subheadings, and body text to create a clear reading flow.
    • Readable text: Avoid overly stylized fonts; stick to modern, sans-serif fonts that are easy to read on all screen sizes.
    • Alignment: Left-align text for better readability, especially for descriptions and lists of features.

    4. CTA Button Design

    The call-to-action (CTA) button is the most important element on your paywall. Its design should draw immediate attention and encourage users to take the desired action.

    • Color contrast: Choose a color that contrasts with the rest of the paywall but still complements the overall app design. For example, if your app uses a blue color scheme, a bright green or orange CTA button would stand out.
    • Actionable text: Make the CTA button text actionable and clear, such as “Upgrade Now” or “Start 7-Day Free Trial.” Avoid generic terms like “Submit” or “Continue.”
    • Size and placement: Ensure the CTA button is large enough to be easily tappable, especially on smaller mobile screens. It should be placed near the bottom of the screen but still visible without scrolling in most cases.

    5. Visual Elements and Branding

    Consistency in visual branding across the app and the paywall is crucial for maintaining a cohesive user experience. Your paywall should feel like an integrated part of the app, not an external pop-up.

    • Brand colors: Use your app’s brand colors to reinforce the connection between the paywall and the rest of the app. However, make sure the CTA button uses a contrasting color to stand out.
    • Images and icons: Visual aids, such as icons or images, can help reinforce the benefits of upgrading. For example, if upgrading offers ad-free viewing, a simple icon showing an ad with a strike-through can quickly convey that benefit.
    • Illustrations or mascots: If your app uses custom illustrations or characters, incorporate them into the paywall to make it feel more familiar and friendly.

    6. Effective Use of Imagery

    While the focus should be on clarity and simplicity, the right imagery can enhance the appeal of a paywall. Be mindful of how images or illustrations are used, as they can either help reinforce the message or distract users.

    • Hero images: If your app has a hero feature (e.g., premium video content or advanced features), consider using a large image to visually communicate what users will gain by upgrading.
    • Avoid stock photos: Authenticity is key. Stick to branded imagery or illustrations that align with your app’s personality, rather than generic stock images that may feel disconnected from the user experience.

    7. Progressive Disclosure of Information

    Instead of overwhelming users with too much information all at once, consider revealing the most important information up front, with the option for users to learn more if they wish.

    • Expandable sections: Use collapsible sections or tabs for additional details, such as a breakdown of premium features or FAQs.
    • Dynamic content: Use content that adapts based on user engagement. For example, after a few interactions with the app, show a personalized paywall based on features the user has engaged with most.

    8. Animations and Transitions

    Subtle animations can add polish to your paywall, making it feel more engaging without distracting users.

    • Smooth transitions: Use gentle fade-ins or slide-ins for your paywall screen to make it feel like a natural part of the app experience, rather than a disruptive pop-up.
    • Button feedback: When users tap the CTA button, provide visual feedback (like a color change or slight scale increase) to confirm that the action has been registered.

    9. A/B Testing Your Design

    Once your paywall is designed, continuous optimization through A/B testing is crucial to improve conversion rates.

    • Test different layouts: Experiment with different arrangements of elements, such as trying vertical vs. horizontal layouts or testing the placement of the CTA button.
    • Try multiple messages: Test various headlines, benefit lists, and CTA button texts to see what resonates most with your audience.
    • Optimize based on data: Use analytics to track where users drop off in the paywall process and adjust the design accordingly.

    To make A/B testing easier and more efficient, try our industry-leading A/B testing solution, trusted by Fortune 100 companies. With deeper analytics and an intuitive interface, you'll save hours of guesswork and instantly get insights to fine-tune your paywall and maximize conversions.

    5 Expert Paywall Design Tips for Success

    1. Use 1 primary color to draw attention to the purchase CTA

    Color is a powerful design element. Too little color can be boring. Too much color can mean your user doesn’t know where to look.

    Use your brand color or primary app color sparingly on the paywall to draw attention to the purchase action.

    Nami mobile app paywall design best practices for color
    Paywalls from Noted and Caribu

    Pro tip: squint at your paywall or use an image editor to apply a thick blur effect to it. What elements still stand out? Where is your eye drawn? If there are multiple elements competing for attention even when squinting or blurred, you don’t have a clear call to action. Reduce design elements or use of color until it is more clear.

    Looking for design inspiration? The Nami Paywall Gallery has hundreds of examples of mobile app paywalls from top industry apps.

    2. Avoid lots of lines to read

    Users are skimming over your paywall on their phone. They don’t want to read through paragraphs of copy, even if the copy is really well written! Stick to a few lines of carefully written copy like an ad, and use short bullets to spell out the benefits of your product.

    If you are using a checklist on your paywall, limit the bullets to no more than 7 and experiment with the items and order of the bullets to improve optimization rather than adding more copy.

    Nami mobile app paywall best practices for text
    Paywalls from TuneIn Radio and Pestle


    3. Use a Carousel to allow users to quickly swipe through features and benefits

    Also known as a gallery or a slideshow, a carousel is a component composed of multiple “slides. Slides are made up of text, photos, and even video. Users can use their finger to swipe through the slides, or carousels can automatically advance through slides.

    To create a carousel, first add catchy imagery and short, clear copy for each slide. Then optimize your carousel by testing the order of the slides and the number of slides shown.

    Pro tip: if the user clicks to unlock feature A, make sure that feature A is explained on the first slide in the carousel. That way the value prop is clear and they don’t have to swipe to search for it.

    Nami paywall design best practice carousel
    Paywall by Timepage by Moleskine Studio
    Paywall by Life360

    Looking for more examples of mobile app paywalls with carousels? Check out the Nami paywall gallery.

    4. Include a way to close the Paywall

    Users typically need to see the paywall multiple times before they want to purchase. Don’t force your user to make a purchasing decision right away, otherwise they may just close your app and never return.

    Paywall from Curio

    Paywall design best practices include an ‘X’ or ‘<’ icon in the top menu bar or a link that says ‘Close’, ‘Later’, or ‘Not Now’.

    Paywall from Cozi Family Organizer

    5. Make a choice between a scrolling and a fixed-height paywall

    Scrolling can be a distraction to the user. Only use this pattern if you have lots of quality content to display.

    If you don’t need your paywall to scroll, test and optimize your paywall for devices of all sizes so that there isn’t a scrollbar when there doesn’t need to be. Try reducing whitespace and text size in order to get everything to fit.

    Paywalls by VSCO and Gather

    Looking for more tips on paywalls? Submit your paywall for personalized advice from our team.


    Design Tools for Mobile App Paywalls

    Designing a high-converting paywall is a blend of strategy, design precision, and the right tools to execute your vision. Whether focusing on layouts, A/B testing, or user experience, leveraging design tools can significantly streamline the process of creating effective paywalls for mobile apps. Here are some essential tools that can help you design and optimize your paywalls:

    1. NamiML Paywall Builder

    NamiML’s Paywall Builder is a specialized, low-code tool designed specifically for creating mobile app paywalls. It enables you to build, customize, and test paywalls without the need for extensive coding. With built-in analytics and A/B testing features, NamiML allows you to fine-tune your paywalls for maximum conversions. You can easily integrate NamiML’s solutions with your app’s backend, providing a seamless user experience from design to execution.

    • Best for: No-code paywall design, A/B testing, and real-time optimization.
    • Key features: Drag-and-drop editor, built-in analytics, seamless integration with iOS and Android, real-time updates without app resubmission.

    2. Sketch

    Sketch is widely used for designing user interfaces tailored to mobile apps. Its vector-based design makes it easy to scale your paywall for different screen sizes without losing quality. Sketch is also known for its easy-to-use symbol and library system, which helps ensure consistency across different versions of your paywalls.

    • Best for: High-fidelity UI design, prototyping.
    • Key features: Vector editing, reusable design components, mobile-optimized layouts.

    3. Figma

    Figma offers real-time collaboration, making it an ideal choice for teams working together on paywall designs. Its component system allows you to create consistent, reusable UI elements, which is essential when designing paywalls for different screen sizes and devices.

    • Best for: Team collaboration and multi-device prototypes.
    • Key features: Cloud-based, real-time collaboration, design system management, and vector networks.

    4. Adobe XD

    Adobe XD excels in prototyping and creating smooth animations. This makes it ideal for testing how your paywall will transition during user interactions. Adobe XD's integration with other Creative Cloud apps also allows you to bring in high-quality assets to enhance your design.

    • Best for: Prototyping and motion design.
    • Key features: Prototyping tools, auto-animate for interactions, integration with Photoshop and Illustrator.


    Designing a successful paywall requires a careful balance of user experience, timing, and psychology. A well-designed paywall not only helps monetize your app but also enhances the user experience by offering premium content in a way that feels rewarding. Continuously optimize the paywall design and functionality to ensure maximum conversions.

    For more strategies on paywall optimization and app monetization, explore NamiML’s low-code solutions to seamlessly integrate paywalls and subscription models into your app. Visit namiml.com to learn more.

    Amanda Maricle is the Product Owner at Nami ML. She has an extensive background in app development and most recently product managed the Connect mobile app platform at HomeSpotter.

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